The Ryoshi Crank was made in the request from several professional fishing guide from Lake Biwa. The concept was to have big body so it has long casting distance, and strong but also natural action to attract bass. Sometimes in the shallow cranking fishing, it seems that everyone thinks it is only important to have sharp action. But what those professional fishing guides wanted it to have was high density body with low floating response over the bed of weeds that they can attract bass naturally. Give this bait a try on the windy/muddy shallow flat also. Made from red cedar.
(7.5cm 3/4oz Maxmam depth: 1.5~1.8m[5~6ft])
販売価格 | スペック |
3,500円(本体価格) | 全長:7.5cm/自重:3/4ozクラス/潜行深度:1.5~1.8m/レッドシダー製 |
取扱店LIST | お近くの取扱店をご確認ください。 |
mibro Web Shop | お近くに取扱店がない場合には、WEBShopをご利用ください。 |
お問合せ | tsukamoto@mibro.info お問い合わせフォーム |